We show you where you can find Startupdelayinmsec to reduce or turn off the autostart programs delay comletely. If needed, you can reduce or disable the delay of of startup programs via “Regedit” in the Windows 10 registry by editing the DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec”. “Startupdelayinmsec” in the Windows 10 Registry When you boot Windows 10 it delays the launch of startup programs for ten seconds so your desktop and Windows services will have finished loading. This gives Windows 10 enough time to load all core features into memory and also to finishe certain system tasks before those autostart programs begin draining system resources. 3 How to Free up RAM and Optimize Windows 10 Virtual Memory.2 How to Enable or Disable Startup Delay via Double-Click using a.1 How to Change or Disable Startup Programs Delay.