Its front is heavily armored so it is pointless to shoot it, except the the specified weak points. However, it is possibly to shoot its back or neck to kill it, but this will take a lot more ammo and time. They are located at the shoulder joints and the leg joints. Its weak spots are very easy to spot as they are a yellow pus, but do not explode. Whenever the Brute losses an arm or its legs it will begin to launch "organic bombs" out of its mouth that slightly resembles the Puker's style of attacking. It uses its legs for support and it appears that it cannot run without them, but it can hobble. It uses its massive arms as locomotion and means for attacking. It has a head that is probably around the hardness of iron and can tear through just about anything. He was killed by the Krax in the same manner as Isaac is (head bitten off and body ripped in half.) It is made up of at least three bodies but can be made of more. Michael Altman had to fight the Krax in a small circular arena when he was captured and taken hostage after sinking the Black Marker. The first Brute is called the Krax due to the first body used to create them. Brutes are massive, hulking Necromorphs that were orginally man made, but can be made by Infectors/Marker's influence.